Oh what a week it has been! For starters I left my life in America and my American ways all to start this journey in Dublin, Ireland for the next four and a half months!! Many may think I'm nuts for studying abroad and leaping in to the unknown, but traveling and moving to different cities and countries constantly is somewhat normal to me and in a way comforting.

I started my travels very young with my family however, my independent travels began when i was just thirteen where I went to London, Scotland, Ireland and Wales on a student ambassador program. I did not know anyone going on the trip, but I knew that I needed this experience to make me an independent individual especially to start off my teen years. It was a great experience..I mean I did cry like a baby because I missed my Mom but overall, this trip sparked something inside me. I get such a thrill out of traveling and experiencing new places and cultures..I guess you could say its one of my hobbies.
My craziness continued through highschool when I traveled to Italy and Paris with the Passport Club. Both were amazing trips and taught me a lot about the different people of the world. I also became OBSESSED with anything Paris related. This trip even pushed me to take French in college (I regret it completely..IT IS SO HARD) I continued my travels in college, actually my first semester of Northeastern, when I embarked on a study abroad experience to Thessaloniki, Greece. Another experience that was bittersweet, more so sweet. I made my best friends, traveled to Germany, Spain, England, France, Turkey, Corfu and Athens, ate some of the most amazing food I have ever eaten and just overall completely grew as a person. The bitter part..well I obviously gained 20 pounds from the food but other than that, communicating with the locals was tough since I did not know they language (I tried my best to learn Greek..How I got an A in Greek is beyond me) But yeah this trip was tough for me because it was my first semester of college and the transition was kind of tough but I would not trade it for anything.
So between all of this traveling and going from Boston to New York to go home from school I am used to moving around. I kind of like it and get bored when I am in one place for too long. I have never studied at Northeastern for more than one semester consecutively. Between CO-OPS, internships, studying in London this past summer..I can for sure say that I have not experienced the "typical" college experience but you know what I am so happy about that. The places I have seen and the people I have met have really made me the woman I am today and I believe that traveling and being independent has really made me a stronger person. I'm not going to lie..I get homesick and scared and nervous but thats life. Playing it safe will leave you no where so i guess my philosophy is to go with the most risky and extreme choice. Hmmm stay at Northeastern this semester or go to Dublin with your best friend for four and a half months..OPTION TWO PLEASE!
So I am here in Dublin..I'm calling it the Emerald City (I don't know if thats a real nickname..I just like it because its so so green and I'm OBSESSED with the Wizard of Oz). Dublin is absolutely amazing..it is so beautiful..it sort of looks like London and Boston combined. I have adjusted very well. I made Chelsea (my bff that I met in Greece) stay up over 24 hours with me to beat the jet lag and it worked!! So far we have done a walking tour, a bus tour and today we went to Causey Farm where we played the Bodhran (Irish drum), did some Irish set dancing, milked a cow(almost got kicked), played with the cutest puppies in the world, walked through the bog and made some brown bread which Chels and I had no problem devouring! It was a great day and its been wonderful so far.
The people on our program, although from different parts of the US and all come from different ways of life and backgrounds and such great people. I am very happy with the people of the trip and of Dublin. Irish people have to be the nicest people in the world hands down. I am so excited for this experience and the friendships that I will have after this program. It will be grand<3