Last week was my Prague and Budapest trip. My friends and I flew from Dublin to Prague, which is now second nature to me. I counted the number of plane rides I have taken on this trip and I came up with the number 24! How crazy is that!!! Prague was stunning and is now one of my favorite cites in the world. It was the most European looking city I have seen and was just magical to me. I was in awe the whole time, the water the architecture and my favorite..the food!! Czech cuisine was delicious, the dumplings with craisons in the sweet brown sauce was the cherry on top of the amazing city of Prague, which I fell in love with. The memories that I made on this trip with my friends were priceless and unforgettable, moments that I will hold so close to my heart. From Cafe-cafe shenanigans to exploring the city on the pub crawl's bike, our moments were nothing less than amazing and adventurous. Our last dinner was spent overlooking the water on an outdoor terrace while we drank beer and watched the sun set. I can't even begin to express how lucky I felt to be living in that moment and to be experiencing this Euro trip. Of all the amazing things that I saw in Prague, I would have to say that the John Lennon Peace wall was the most moving for me. Seeing the wall and the colors and inspirational quotes really mesmerized me. The wall was so vibrant and being there really made me very happy.
After a couple of days resting up in Dublin, I jetsetted again to Croatia with Matt, Erica and Jill. Despite some speculations about Croatia, we were ready to relax and explore Croatia and hopefully get some color..we definately were becoming to look like ghosts after our time in Ireland and London. Croatia was gorgeous and warm. The mountains combined with the turquoise crystally beautiful was enough to make you cry, seriously so breath taking. As many pictures as I took, there isnt a picture that can truly capture its beauty. We stayed in an apartment overlooking the water, I felt like a princess..SO happy and lucky! We had a great weekend full of laughs, lots of pizza, wine and unfortunately insane sunburn, small bird moths and imaginary lizards according to Matt Fashion. We traveled to Bibinje, Zadar and Nin and took some amazing photos, ate some great pizza and generally just enjoyed relaxing together and wrapping up the semester together. It was sad because it was Matt and Erica's last trip and even more sad since Matt goes home on Friday. Man did the time fly, but all I can do is be grateful for all of these amazing moments that I have experienced. As Jill would say "Don't cry because its over, but smile because it happened" As cheesy as it is, its true! This semester has been incredible and life changing for me in many ways. I am a lucky girl to have seen what I have seen and met who I have met. Enough of this sob sorry for now since my adventures are far from being over!!! (Thank God) My friends and I are enjoying the rest of our week in Dublin drinking like the Irish do! And thennnn off to Barcelona and Ibiza with Chelsea! I'll cry to you and be all sappy when thats over, but until then bring the funnnnn <3