As weird as it still is to me, I am sitting in my kitchen in New York writing my last blog of my extraordinary study abroad experience in Dublin. The past 4 months, although some days felt like forever, truly did fly by faster than I ever imagined. It almost feels like a dream to me that I was there, such a weird feeling. After seeing Lana Del Rey in Dublin I went on my last Euro trip to Barcelona and Ibiza with Chelsea. We had an amazing time..Spain was beautiful in every way..especially the weather and the delicious Sangria!!! Ibiza was as crazy as it is sing about seeing that my Michael Kors watch was gone after a night at Pacha... But other than that it was a great trip and a nice relaxing way to end my 4 months of non stop traveling and exploring.
After Spain we headed back to Dublin then to catch a flight to the USA when I was surprised by my sister and best friend Matt in Boston

upon my arrival. Made me SOOOOO happy but I never thought that I would have to say goodbye to Dublin as soon as I did,but it is such a huge part of my life and my heart. I know I will go back and continue to explore but for now I think I have to cool it for a bit. Not only is globe trotting expensive but it is so tiring..I mean you basically live out of a suitcase..I cantttt OVER IT! I am so happy to be home and to start my adventures in America, trust me there are many to come. This experience has taught me so much, things I really can't explain or write about but it really did made me fall in love with many things, people and places and I have to say I have never been this happy in my entire life. Its completely priceless and amazing and I am forever grateful.
Well America, you have me for a while but I am already planning my next adventure..Australia? Japan? who knows but I will never stop traveling, never stop wondering..I just can't stop. Theres so much to see, so much beauty to uncover but until then, PARTY IN THE USA!!!