Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two weeks or two years?

My two week mark is coming up and I can NOT believe how quickly the time is passing. The time is flying but I also feel like I have been here for years. I am definately becoming more comfortable with my surroundings and the people I have met on this trip. I wish i could slow time down though, I don't want this trip to end but I guess its true that time flies when you are having fun and I am having an absolute BLAST!

Okay, okay so partying is grand (Irish slang..I can't imagine really using that word for real haha) BUT i did come here to study..just a little bit....My first week of school began on Tuesday and will end tomorrow. My schedule is pretty relaxed, I have 5 classes but each day I am only in class for 2 hours at most so I have plenty of time to hit up the gym and run off those thousands of calories I am consuming from the Bulmers and Guinness. The work for each class isn't bad at all, its completely manageable, which I am very happy about so that I could experience Ireland instead of setting up camp in the library every night.

The group of girls that I became friends with rather quickly are starting to plan trips and I am so excited to start traveling! I have a pretty big list of the places I want to visit but money does come into play so I'll see what I can afford(HOPEFULLY ALL OF IT) I haven't been shopping which is VERY weird for me..anyone who knows me well enough probably would have guessed that I already bought a whole new wardrobe but I'm really trying to budget my money for traveling..I guess I finally got the hang of budgeting my money while studying abroad..THIRD TIMES A CHARM, or maybe its the Luck of the Irish!

Ireland really is amazing every way its just perfect, especially for me. I really do feel like I fit in here and I really do appreciate the culture and people and how welcomed I felt when I came to Ireland. After studying in London last summer, I kind of thought of London as a home and look back at those memories and feel so elated. I really discovered London and fell in love with the city and to me thats special because its hard for me to fall in love with a city other than New York. From the moment I got to Ireland I knew that Dublin would also be a city that I would also fall in love with. I was on the bus from the airport to our school and I took a breathe in and got chills from just looking out the window. That is the exact feeling that I felt in London last summer  and its the exact feeling that I experience in NYC when I walk the streets and look up and the buildings and walk past thousands of people who I will probably never meet.

Home is New York for me but home is also where the heart is and a good portion of my heart is in traveling and experiencing the world the most I can. Nothing can never match the feeling of falling in love and I am grateful to have fallen in love with another beautiful city. I know Dublin will be in my heart forever, but for now I'm not going anywhere...Dublin you are mine tonight! <3


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