Thursday, December 12, 2013

Not a goodbye..but a see you later

This end to the semester leaves me with a bittersweet feeling. As I am happy to be done with papers, projects and exams, I am leaving behind my boyfriend, friends and my life in Boston for my co-op in NYC. Thats where the bittersweet taste comes in. I am so sad to be leaving such huge parts of my life for a little while, but I can't help but be super excited for my job at Nars Cosmetics! I can not wait to start this new chapter of my life in no other than the best city in the world-New York City. There is also the added bonus of living at home with my family, and an even more of an added bonus-free food and my mom to do my laundry!!!!

This semester has been more than I could have expected. I did great in my classes and accomplished things that I never thought I would be able to. I worked my butt off as usual, while at the same time managed to have the most fun with my friends. I'm so sad that this semester was my last in Treble on Huntington, but I finished strong with a solo and a whole lot of love from the girls:) Being a study abroad ambassador was also such a great experience and I am looking forward to joining the team again next fall. I guess even through the sadness, I can look back on a wonderful semester and look forward to my adventures to come!

I guess thats a wrap! Bye Boston..Hellooooo NYC and Nars! 

Yea, I know that I'm leaving BUT maybe you will be hearing from you sooner than you think;)


Friday, November 22, 2013

Turkey Time


Just when I thought that I wasn't going to get a CO-OP and I would have to graduate in the spring, I accepted my CO-OP at Nars Cosmetics in NYC! I am more than thrilled and excited to be apart of Nars and am SO excited be moving back home:) Not only do I get to move back to NYC and reunite with Matt, in true Lucy and Ethel fashion,I will be attending Fashion Week! I can't even put my excitement into words-I think I will faint on the scene. SO EXCITEDD!!

Besides from my super cool CO-OP coming up, I am just wrapping up the semester and patiently waiting to go home for Thanksgiving! I can't wait to see my family and relax for a little bit! I can't believe that this semester is almost over, seriously it went so fast. I really did enjoy the semester and everything that I was apart of, especially my role as a study abroad ambassador. Its not over yet though- another meeting or so-no goodbyes yet!

I have a very exciting Thanksgiving break ahead-seeing my family and friends and celebrating my boyfriend's 22nd birthday in Manhattan. I hope you all have a great holiday and really reflect upon what you are thankful for. I am thankful for so much and really do count my blessings every day. Its really easy to forget about all of the good things in our lives when we are faced with a bad time but keep your head up and stay positive.

Tis the season to love!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mishaps and Madness

Oh what a crazy couple of weeks I have had! For starters, I spilled coffee all over my laptop, ran all over Boston trying to get it fixed only to fInd out it was fried and would cost a wopping $ 1,260 to bring back to life! WHAT! I mean c'mon, if my week started with that, how much worse could it get? Luckily nothing as bad as that came after my tragic loss of my laptop, just 3 midterms and 4 job interviews in one week, but thats a piece of cake in my busy busy life.  A tornado of stress let me tell you! But I really can't complain, I am healthy and have good things coming my way so there is no other option other than thinking positive and staying on the right track.

My week of madness made me think of all of my mishaps abroad, and let me tell you there were many. On top of being a dramatic person as it is, add in being in a foreign country to the mix and a mole hill can turn into a very large mountain. Broken chargers, losing my Michael Kors watch, losing money, losing train tickets, rushing to flights-the list goes on and on. Most of the time thats what would happen when I was abroad, a constant struggle to get it right, The simplest things were a battle for me, especially when I was in Greece. The first day I got there I went food shopping and I got so frustrated because all of the labels were in Greek and I couldn't read the nutrition facts or find anything that I needed. Instead of being calm about it and trying something new, I started crying, left the store and felt as if I wanted to go home from Greece because of my frustration. I have found through my travels and through college that feeling this way was completely normal, since I was in a foreign place, it was expected that it would take a while to adjust to the culture and their tricky nutrition labels.

I guess the moral of the story is patience. By no means am I the text book definition of patient person, however, studying abroad really has helped me to be more patient and to take issues for what they are and not something they are not. It is hard to work through these struggles while being abroad, but to be honest thats life. Nothing is easy, it can always be worse and ultimately what doesn't kill you makes you much stronger. There are worse things in life than a broken laptop and not being able to read the nutrition label. Its through bigger experiences that we learn what is important and what to get upset over and what not to let faze us. Its time to practice what I preach, take a deep breath and be grateful for all of the great things that I have in my life :)

Talk again soon,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

There's Always Something There to Remind me

I can not believe that every where that I look and every where that I turn there is a sign from Dublin. Its either that  I'm seeing things and am completely crazy (which is possible) or there is an extremely weird coincidence that every single day without fail, I see something that screams Ireland. Lets go with option B.Today, it was a woman on the T in an Irish sweater. I have the same exact one, which is why I knew for a fact that it was an Irish sweater. I mean c'mon what are the odds? Yesterday it was a shamrock tattoo on some guys arm and the day before that I spotted an Irish rugby jersey on a guy on Northeastern's campus. Yes, I know that I live in Boston and there is a large Irish population here BUT there is just something different about the signs that I am seeing, almost as if I am meant to see them to go about my day or to think of Ireland. I mean I guess I will never know, but I cant help but notice these things. I guess what it comes down to is that I really cant escape Dublin. It really was my home for a while and that city taught me so much and really changed me. It's rare that I say that about a city since I am obsessed with NYC, but I have to say London and Dublin are up there on my out New York!

So seeing the woman in the Irish sweater today inspired me to write and I guess go back on my Facebook timeline and read and look at everything I posted while I was away. Really wasn't a good idea since I started crying BUT I have to admit I am a big baby. Before I started crying, I was reading my statuses and I really remembered how happy I was and excited to embark on that journey. It was a big deal for me, my last study abroad with my best friend Chelsea to one of the most charming cities in the world..why wouldn't I be ecstatic? I just look back at all of the pictures and really think about the memories and I can feel nothing but bliss. I am so grateful. I was so grateful then and still am grateful to be able to look back and say "Wow I did that!!!" 

I was also thinking today while listening to music how amazing it is how music can really bring you back to a certain time. My best friend Matt and I always talk about this and every time we listen to Speechless by Lady Gaga we are brought back to our 17 year old selves belting Speechless in "Sully" my little ford focus in the middle of winter. I get chills just thinking about it.  When I was in Greece I listened to Sarah Bareilles' album Kaleidoscope Heart non stop, so now when I listen I cant help but feel like I am at Papa Kirizai sitting on my bed with the window open and flowers always on my night stand. My experience in Dublin completely was surrounded and engulfed in music. When I was away my boyfriend would send me playlists. Each song really resonates with me and means a lot to me, not only because he sent them to me, but also because each song made me feel so much at that time.  I could probably describe to you where I was or how I felt during each song that he sent me. Whether it brought extreme happiness or sorrow, each song made me FEEL, and digging into those emotions is something that has made me a stronger human being.  Listening to those songs will never be the same, but when I listen to certain songs I feel like I am in the place where I first listened to the its kinddddd of like im there? right??? Croatia. Venice, London..NOT! I''m right here in Boston :(
 Also, One Republic's album Natives really reminds me of Dublin and brings me back to the Emerald City that I love so much. When I miss Dublin I listen to them and I feel very warm :) Mirrors by Justin Timberlake throws me back to London and the time I spent with Matt, I get this visual in my head of a gloomy day in the middle of London, dressed up like millionaires and drinking Cafe Nero with Matt. We always dress like theres no tomorrow- I love it so much! There are so many moments that I wish I could get back and re live again and again but as much as I would love to I can't. Memories are something I hold very close to my heart. These moments will never escape me no matter where I am in the world. 
Well on that note, I will leave you with some lyrics from a One Republic song that I really think encompasses my  experiences studying abroad. Enjoy!

I owned every second
That this world could give
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah, with every broken bone
I swear I lived

Monday, September 30, 2013

Stressed out September

Thankfully September is rolling out because September literally felt like three months. School has been pretty stressful already which doesn't give me much hope for the rest of it but I am trying to stay hopeful! I think that this has been the most difficult adjustment, coming from Dublin to Northeastern. I am trying to prioritize and to focus but I am finding it extremely difficult to not day dream about only having less than two semesters left..meaning only two semesters left of homework ever again in my life!

Co-op is also coming up for me next semester which is further adding to the stress that September is bringing. Debating to do CO-OP in Boston vs. NY has been a struggle for me but i am focusing my decision not on the place but on the job. Decisions, decisions.... I recently have had this idea in my head of living abroad after I graduate. I am thinking of London but I really don't know what will be in the cards. I really just want to do something out of the ordinary before I have a family and a career, the travel bug isn't out of my system yet but I really don't think that it will ever leave.

I was thinking the other day of how thankful that I am that I started traveling at such a young age. I really think its so important for students to start traveling early on in their lives. Once you travel, your mind set really does change and life after that isn't really the same. All of my abroad experiences have influenced each other and pushed me to want to see more and more of the world. I've seen a lot for only being 21 but I am still so curious to what else is out there and now I'm more curious as to what life would be like to not only live abroad for a longer period of time but to work abroad as well. I am very grateful to have chosen a college that supports and encourages studying abroad as much as Northeastern does. I don' think any other school would have enabled me to go abroad 3 times in less than 4 years. I have to say that all of those experiences made my college experience what it is and I really wouldn't trade a moment for anything. From all of these experiences who would have thought that I may possibly end up living abroad for a bit? Its crazy and scary to think about but I think that moving abroad for a bit would really open my eyes to a broader picture and really challenge me personally and professionally.

Exciting things are to come but for the present I have to really focus in on getting to my goals and not lose sight of what is important even though it may be hard to see right now. Good things come to those who wait and I have no choice but to wait about 2 years
.. so hopefullyALL of my dreams will come true (or some would be okay with me )

Updates soon!!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Back to Basics

So after a crazy semester of traveling the world, meeting new people and studying in a completely different country, I guess its safe to say that I needed to snap back to reality sooner or later. I had an amazing summer though which continued my travels-this time in the US. I went to New Orleans, Georgia, North Carolina and Miami. I also had a summer full of concerts: Lana Del Rey, One Direction, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, John Mayer, Phillip Phillips, Maroon 5,  Kelly Clarkson, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake and Jay Z, TOO MANY! Now the summer is unfortunately over and I am back at Northeastern for a full semester of classes and internships and jobs oh my! I guess this is the real reality hitting me. Doing homework, going to work, studying- it really didn't hit me that I would have to enter real life again. NEWS FLASH-I do and I will have to for a very long time. No more weekend trips to Venice or Croatia. No more Vogue fashion events in London and definitely no more Irish accents to put a smile on my face when I was having a bad day.

Okay, maybe I am being a little over dramatic, and if you know me that is definitely how I am, but regardless, coming from being abroad and then having the summer of my life it is hard to adjust to life back at Northeastern. It is now about three and a half weeks into the semester and I am finally adjusting and feeling better about things. At first I was very upset and very weird about being back. I felt as if I was gone and the whole world flipped and then I came back. I was nervous that everything would be different when I came back, although some things did, everything pretty much is the same and I really was welcomed back with open arms. I was lucky to have my best friends Matt and Chelsea who also studied abroad to share my feelings with, only to find they were feeling the exact same way.

I really think about it and I really do think I was the happiest I have ever been in my life last semester in Dublin, and I was afraid coming back would change that. When I was abroad I promised myself that I would concentrate on the NOW instead of always looking forward to the future because now is happening and I don't want to miss a single minute. I now know that no matter where I am I can see the beauty in life because to be honest I feel blessed every second to be living and I have come to this realization through my abroad experiences. I have so much to look forward to this semester: my Screen Gems and Sony internship, my amazing boyfriend and incredible friends, my come back to my acapella group-Treble on Huntington, and many more things that will definitely make me very happy. I am also a study abroad ambassador at Northeastern which helps me with my missing my abroad experience and Dublin in general. I am able to speak to my peers about studying abroad and encourage them to take advantage of the opportunity. If I could convince one person to take the leap and to go abroad and have the experience that I did I would be satisfied. It is an amazing experience and I can not wait to extend my travels hopefully after graduation!

Well, work is calling and I'm off to another crazy afternoon.

More details to come,


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Back to the USA

As weird as it still is to me, I am sitting in my kitchen in New York writing my last blog of my extraordinary study abroad experience in Dublin. The past 4 months, although some days felt like forever, truly did fly by faster than I ever imagined. It almost feels like a dream to me that I was there, such a weird feeling. After seeing Lana Del Rey in Dublin I went on my last Euro trip to Barcelona and Ibiza with Chelsea. We had an amazing time..Spain was beautiful in every way..especially the weather and the delicious Sangria!!! Ibiza was as crazy as it is sing about seeing that my Michael Kors watch was gone after a night at Pacha... But other than that it was a great trip and a nice relaxing way to end my 4 months of non stop traveling and exploring.

After Spain we headed back to Dublin then to catch a flight to the USA when I was surprised by my sister and best friend Matt in Boston

upon my arrival. Made me SOOOOO happy but I never thought that I would have to say goodbye to Dublin as soon as I did,but it is such a huge part of my life and my heart. I know I will go back and continue to explore but for now I think I have to cool it for a bit. Not only is globe trotting expensive but it is so tiring..I mean you basically live out of a suitcase..I cantttt OVER IT! I am so happy to be home and to start my adventures in America, trust me there are many to come. This experience has taught me so much, things I really can't explain or write about but it really did made me fall in love with many things, people and places and I have to say I have never been this happy in my entire life. Its completely priceless and amazing and I am forever grateful.
Well America, you have me for a while but I am already planning my next adventure..Australia? Japan? who knows but I will never stop traveling, never stop wondering..I just can't stop. Theres so much to see, so much beauty to uncover but until then, PARTY IN THE USA!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Prague, Budapest and Croatia OH MY!

Where to begin...These last couple of weeks have been nothing less than amazing. I have traveled to three countries which I have never thought I would have been able to experience. These three places, Prague, Budapest and Croatia, have proved to be some of the most beautiful places in the world, all full of spirit and culture. I have to say I was completely blown away and taken back by these places, leaving me even more grateful and now a million times more sun burnt than before.
Last week was my Prague and Budapest trip. My friends and I flew from Dublin to Prague, which is now second nature to me. I counted the number of plane rides I have taken on this trip and I came up with the number 24! How crazy is that!!! Prague was stunning and is now one of my favorite cites in the world. It was the most European looking city I have seen and was just magical to me. I was in awe the whole time, the water the architecture and my favorite..the food!! Czech cuisine was delicious, the dumplings with craisons in the sweet brown sauce was the cherry on top of the amazing city of Prague, which I fell in love with. The memories that I made on this trip with my friends were priceless and unforgettable, moments that I will hold so close to my heart. From Cafe-cafe shenanigans to exploring the city on the pub crawl's bike, our moments were nothing less than amazing and adventurous. Our last dinner was spent overlooking the water on an outdoor terrace while we drank beer and watched the sun set. I can't even begin to express how lucky I felt to be living in that moment and to be experiencing this Euro trip. Of all the amazing things that I saw in Prague, I would have to say that the John Lennon Peace wall was the most moving for me. Seeing the wall and the colors and inspirational quotes really mesmerized me. The wall was so vibrant and being there really made me very happy.

Our adventures continued on a hot as all hell 7 HOUR bus ride to Budapest. Minus the striptease and the puddles of sweat from all of our bodies, the trip went rather fast and we were dropped off at a train station in Budapest ready to explore this new place. I had no expectations for Budapest, I did not know what it looked like or would be like so I was very excited to figure Budapest out..also I'm a little bit of Hungarian so it was extra special for me to be there. Budapest was great and hit a soft spot with me since it reminded me so much of Thessaloniki, Greece where I spent my first semester of college. The markets, the buildings, just everything reminded me of was so weird but the feelings of being in Greece came right back to me when I was in Budapest. It made me miss being in a place where English wasn't spoken and communicating was more of a game. Using my hands to speak became normal in Greece since their English wasn't too good. Sometimes I like not being able to completely understand a place or a culture. I like a little bit of mystery, and Budapest definitely provided me with mystery that completely made me escape into a new world. The Baths were my favorite part and were the most relaxing and unique part of the trip in my opinion.  Like Prague, I was very impressed with Budapest and was intrigued by the history and aesthetics of the city. I found it so interesting that Budapest is broken up into Buda and then pest. We explored both sides, which were both different but beautiful in their own ways. I have to say I did like Prague better but this Prague-Budapest trip was one of the most amazing weeks of my life and I would not change a single thing. I would highly recommend these two places to everyone who loves to travel and be amazed by the world.

After a couple of days resting up in Dublin, I jetsetted again to Croatia with Matt, Erica and Jill. Despite  some speculations about Croatia, we were ready to relax and explore Croatia and hopefully get some color..we definately  were becoming to look like ghosts after our time in Ireland and London. Croatia was gorgeous and warm. The mountains combined with the turquoise crystally beautiful was enough to make you cry, seriously so breath taking. As many pictures as I took, there isnt a picture that can truly capture its beauty. We stayed in an apartment overlooking the water, I felt like a princess..SO happy and lucky! We had a great weekend full of laughs, lots of pizza, wine and unfortunately insane sunburn, small bird moths and imaginary lizards according to Matt Fashion. We traveled to Bibinje, Zadar and Nin and took some amazing photos, ate some great pizza and generally just enjoyed relaxing together and wrapping up the semester together. It was sad because it was Matt and Erica's last trip and even more sad since Matt goes home on Friday. Man did the time fly, but all I can do is be grateful for all of these amazing moments that I have experienced. As Jill would say "Don't cry because its over, but smile because it happened" As cheesy as it is, its true! This semester has been incredible and life changing for me in many ways. I am a lucky girl to have seen what I have seen and met who I have met. Enough of this sob sorry for now since my adventures are far from being over!!! (Thank God) My friends and I are enjoying the rest of our week in Dublin drinking like the Irish do! And thennnn off to Barcelona and Ibiza with Chelsea! I'll cry to you and be all sappy when thats over, but until then bring the funnnnn <3

Monday, May 6, 2013

The family comes to Ireland!

Two sundays ago I welcomed my amazing family to Ireland after my short rendezvous in London with Matt. From drinking martinis at the Wyld Bar to seeing Michael Kors at the 2013 Vogue Festival..I would say my weekend was absolutely FABULOUS and got even more fab, when my family arrived in the Emerald Isle!

I haven't seen my family since January so it was so nice to see them and have the opportunity to spend the whole week with them. My parents and their best friends Gwen and Mike who are basically my second set of parents, came on the trip and it was extra special since it was Mike and my Dad's first time in Europe. Ireland is one of the most beautiful places in the world and one of my favorite places in the world, which made me want to show my family Ireland even more!

For their time in Ireland we did a CIE bus tour which took us all over Ireland from Dublin to Galway and everything in between, it was so amazing to see these beautiful places that I haven't had the opportunity to see yet. The Cliffs of Moher were absolutely beautiful, I've never seen anything like them in my life. County Clare, Killarney and the Ring of Kerry were also so beautiful and authentic and made me really appreciate my time in Ireland even more.

Of course my family brought me lots and lots of laughs and moments that I almost peed my pants, one of the many reasons why I love them so much. From my Dad sampling Whiskey at the Jameson Distillery to saving a lost drunken man at a bar, there was never a dull moment and there was never a moment where I wasn't laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

The week flew by but we saw so much of Ireland and made everlasting memories that I will really cherish for the rest of my life. My family adored Ireland just as much as I do which made me even more happy and grateful. I can't believe that in less than a month I will be home and this amazing journey will just be a memory.

Saying goodbye to my parents and Gwen and Mike was hard since we had such an amazing time and they were the last of my family coming to visit me. All good things, in this case AMAZING things must come to an end but I am lucky enough to have a new adventure beginning tomorrow in Budapest and Prague! I can not wait to visit these places and take lots of pictures and just enjoy life!

Cheers to the next adventure!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Loves in London: Ruby, Miranda and Matt Fashion

Last weekend I went back to London AGAIN but this time I brought my Chelsea along for the ride! I was excited to go back again since I love London so much..I love it even more since Matt is there so its extra sweet and extra special to me.  The plane ride was a bit weird since I felt drugged from my coffee. I haven't had much coffee here, and anyone who knows me wouldn't believe that since at home I basically live on coffee. SO i was feeling very anxious..the plane ride felt like 7 was only 40 minutes. We finally got off the plane and took to Tube to Matt and started our weekend of adventures.

That night we went to Suki, one of my favorite sushi places in the world and after a fabulous meal,of course my luck..I threw it all up in the floor. That coffee really did me in..SO ANNOYING! Just adding it to the list of all my shenanigans. We went back to Matt's that night since I was sick but we made up for it the next day by getting tickets to see Matilda for only 5 pounds! If thats not bargain shopping i dont know what is. The play was amazing and we ate amazing Greek food and was perfect! We went to the Roxy that night, I've never been there but we had a good time as always <3

Our last day was relaxing and we basically did photo shoots by Big Ben and the London eye..typical haha Oh the highlight was getting iced lattes at Starbucks!We missed them so so so much..I still want my green tea so bad..I can NOT wait for it. Mom if you're reading you MUST bring this to the airport or else..Trenta unsweetened iced green tea with two splendas..please and thank you :) I am a very lucky girl to have both Matt and Chelsea in my life but I'm even luckier that they love each other and get along so well. I am truly a very very blessed girl to have such amazing people as my best friends.

It was sad to leave London and Matt again but I'm seeing him this weekend in Amsterdam and then the next weekend in London AGAIN! I also got back to Dublin when tragedy struck in Boston. The bombings at the marathon was something I never expected, no one did. It was really a reality check and made me really wonder how people could do something like that..its sickening. Thank God all of my friends in Boston are okay but I am still praying for those not as fortunate.

I'm off to Amsterdam this weekend so fingers crossed I'll come back alive (sorry Ma heheh) I'm so excited!!! Thats all for now!

Cheers to lotsssss of special brownies and of course all the beautiful things I'll see in Amsterdam ;)



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Surprise Landing in LONDON!

So I can finally spill the beans about the secret I did my very best to keep! On Friday I surprised my sister Alexa in London. She was there on a school trip with the Passport Club, which I started with Matt in high school. Being my sneaky self, I HAD to surprise her and plan this whole trip to London...which was extremely last minute.

As expected she was surprised! It was worth it to see her face light up when she saw me. It was great to see some old teachers but it was so special to be in London with my sister and experience things with her, even if it was just for the day. We were walking through the Tube and I just thought of how lucky I was to be there with her. I just grabbed her and hugged her and walked like that with her for a while..I didn't want to let her go, I missed her so much but I felt it even more when I was with her. I can't believe that my baby sister is traveling and growing up..its hard to believe. It feels like yesterday that we were playing Barbies and dress up. I wish I could get those years back sometimes but I guess its all about looking back and cherishing those moments and memories.

After a great day, I had to say goodbye. I was meeting Matt and his family for the rest of the week. I stayed until Tuesday so I could spend Easter with my second family :) So yea I said goodbye to Lex, I was upset and then her bus pulled away and I lost it. I couldn't stop crying..there I was in the middle of London sobbing like a baby. I think I just got really homesick since she was the first person of my family who I've seen since January. I've seen Matt but I know in the back of my head that I'll see him a bunch of times and hes a 40 minute plane ride away if I need him. But through the tears and the heartbreak, I was so glad to see her and to watch her grow up and be her British govna self in London.

The rest of my time in London was spent with Matt and his mom and aunt.We had a beautiful time and Easter. I really love them and their company. They crack me up and they made me feel less homesick after I left my sister. It was nice to explore London with them especially since it was their first time there. Its always comforting to see Matt..He truly is my to the T! I'm blessed to have him in my life and to be able to share his family <3

It was so nice going to London. From the moment I arrived at Heathrow, I felt a sense of comfort. Its so hard to explain but I do think of London as a home. It holds a very special place in my heart and every time I go back I get more and more attached to it and fall more deeply in love with London. My heart just feels warm when I'm there and my eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. I love it so much! I'm going back to London twice more during my stay in Dublin, so I am sure I will add to the list of beautiful memories and experiences that I am lucky enough to have.

I'm off to Belfast tomorrow with CIEE on a school trip..Shit I never stay in one place for long, but I guess thats the beauty of this life right now. I'll enjoy it while i can!

That's all for now...Cheers xxx

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

St Paddy's in Dublin!

The day that I have been waiting months for finally came and quickly went. St. Paddy's Day, one of my favorite holidays, even though I am not one ounce Irish! I love celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Boston, I always seem to have so much fun partying with all of the Irish people who are in Boston, or claim to be at least. When I found out that I would be in Dublin for St. Patrick's Day I was elated! What better place to celebrate, right?

This St. Patrick's Day was extra extra special since my best friend Matt was coming to Dublin for the weekend. Matt is studying in London, so we haven't seen each other since the beginning of January. I could NOT wait for him to come and for St. Patrick's Day weekend. Knowing our curse of bad luck, something went wrong which delayed Matt's arrival. We seriously have a curse put on us. Someone hates us up there let me tell you. But thankfully he got here in one piece.

The weekend started on a great note and we celebrated at Flannery's Friday night. It was so awesome because all of my friends had guests so it was such a great night with all of us together<3. Matt and I saw OZ the next day and had a great day together in the city UNTIL we went to the Jameson distillery and the tickets were sold out..sooooo bad luck struck again.

St. Patrick's Day was so fun although I have to say that I think Boston does it better. I think I just built it up so much in my head, which lead to being disappointed. I did have a great time though and Matt made it extra special which is all I couldve asked for. It was great to see such Irish pride and everyone come together and just get drunk and dance in the streets, so it was a great experience. I guess not many people could say that they were in Dublin for St. Patricks Day, I am a very lucky gal.

I got a bit sick from that weekend but I am on my way to recovery, slowly but surely. Easter is this weekend..I have some tricks up my sleeve but I can't fill you in just yet..shhhh its a secret ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


What a crazy month is has been already! Firstly, I am having the time of my life..this experience has exceeded my expectations and I am so so happy that I came! So starting off one of my best friends Kelsey came here last week to visit us and it was also Chelsea's 21st birthday so it was so so nice to be reunited with her and celebrate all together! After Kelsey came, Sarah also came to visit us so its been super fun being with them and spending time with them in Dublin. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them, which made them coming even more great and exciting! It was so hard for Chelsea and I to come here without Kelsey since we are basically the three musketeers but her visiting was so amazing and I am SO happy she came to experience Dublin.These are memories that we will never forget and I know that I will cherish them for many years to come <3  Continuing with the madnesssss..I went to Venice on Thursday until Saturday with my friends Claire and Jill! It was amazing and so beautiful. I had such a beautiful weekend and ate more than an obese clan of men, but it was SO worth it. My favorite meal had to be the pizza ate at this cute little restaurant. It was un real. Just so you get an idea of how much I ate in just one day...heres my Facebook status from Friday "Updating the world on my gorilla eating habits for the for breakfast, bread, bread sticks and gnocchi in cream sauce for lunch then cookies gelato, an Italian cookie , Nutella crepe, caramel gelato and then bread and scampi shrimp and pasta for dinner and then pistachio gelato and then pizza just because...when in Italy"So yea...I pigged out but it was worth it. Venice was gorgeous...we went to Murano and Burano and we saw St. Mark's Basilica as well as the Rialto Bridge..It was incredible. I started crying just because I was so happy and thankful. I am so lucky and I have never been so happy to be alive..I am so grateful..especially to my parents.. I love them so much, for just being them and giving me this life that I love way too much right now! 

My high on life got even higher when I was awarded the DCU study abroad scholarship! I am so unlucky and never win anything but I guess my hard work payed off this time! So now I have some extra cash to continue my travels! Yay! I guess the luck of the Irish is really helping me out! 
The rest of the month will also be crazy, especially because of St. Patricks Day in Dublin!!! AHHH can NOT wait, especially because my best friend Matt is coming from London! Alll of these great things to look forward to..I don't think this smile will ever come off my face!!! 
Updates to come!!!!!!



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Keeps getting better

Just when I thought I have reached Cloud 9 in Dublin, I was thrown to an even higher cloud after my trip last weekend to Scotland. On Friday my friends and I took a very early flight to Glasgow, Scotland where our adventure began. I visited Scotland before when I was 13, but I knew that this would be a much different experience.

Glasgow was so beautiful and modern. There was a brightness to it that really excited me. The most simplest of things were so beautiful..The Apple store looked like a museum with stone pillars and high arches; it was unreal. We spent Friday and Saturday in Glasgow and were lucky enough to stay with friends who were studying abroad at the University of Glasgow which is the inspiration for Hogwarts. It was incredible and I hate to admit it but I kind of pretended to be Hermione...shh don't tell anyone that.

On Sunday we took a train to Edinburgh, which completely blew me away. I felt like I was in a painting, the scenery was too beautiful for words. I had an amazing day, we walked all over Edinburgh and walked up the Scott Monument..I thought I was going to die in there of claustrophobia but it was worth the 3 pounds to say I did it..all 287 steps worth.

On the train back to Glasgow I was just looking out the window and my friend Claire and I started talking about how lucky we are to be studying abroad and traveling to these amazing places. I am such a lucky girl and this trip has made me feel even more grateful to be alive but to actually live. I could cry thinking about it because I am just so happy..I really don't think I've been this happy ever but I am happy that I have found happiness in such a great place and among some beyond amazing people.

Coming from New York, its hard for me to slow down and enjoy the moment..I am always running around thinking about the future and whats coming next and what I should look forward to but honestly   I haven't appreciated where I am in the moment at all. Right now I am going to enjoy the life is great right now and yea, my future and next semester and even next month are going to be great BUT today is amazing and I want to soak in every second and every experience possible.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two weeks or two years?

My two week mark is coming up and I can NOT believe how quickly the time is passing. The time is flying but I also feel like I have been here for years. I am definately becoming more comfortable with my surroundings and the people I have met on this trip. I wish i could slow time down though, I don't want this trip to end but I guess its true that time flies when you are having fun and I am having an absolute BLAST!

Okay, okay so partying is grand (Irish slang..I can't imagine really using that word for real haha) BUT i did come here to study..just a little bit....My first week of school began on Tuesday and will end tomorrow. My schedule is pretty relaxed, I have 5 classes but each day I am only in class for 2 hours at most so I have plenty of time to hit up the gym and run off those thousands of calories I am consuming from the Bulmers and Guinness. The work for each class isn't bad at all, its completely manageable, which I am very happy about so that I could experience Ireland instead of setting up camp in the library every night.

The group of girls that I became friends with rather quickly are starting to plan trips and I am so excited to start traveling! I have a pretty big list of the places I want to visit but money does come into play so I'll see what I can afford(HOPEFULLY ALL OF IT) I haven't been shopping which is VERY weird for me..anyone who knows me well enough probably would have guessed that I already bought a whole new wardrobe but I'm really trying to budget my money for traveling..I guess I finally got the hang of budgeting my money while studying abroad..THIRD TIMES A CHARM, or maybe its the Luck of the Irish!

Ireland really is amazing every way its just perfect, especially for me. I really do feel like I fit in here and I really do appreciate the culture and people and how welcomed I felt when I came to Ireland. After studying in London last summer, I kind of thought of London as a home and look back at those memories and feel so elated. I really discovered London and fell in love with the city and to me thats special because its hard for me to fall in love with a city other than New York. From the moment I got to Ireland I knew that Dublin would also be a city that I would also fall in love with. I was on the bus from the airport to our school and I took a breathe in and got chills from just looking out the window. That is the exact feeling that I felt in London last summer  and its the exact feeling that I experience in NYC when I walk the streets and look up and the buildings and walk past thousands of people who I will probably never meet.

Home is New York for me but home is also where the heart is and a good portion of my heart is in traveling and experiencing the world the most I can. Nothing can never match the feeling of falling in love and I am grateful to have fallen in love with another beautiful city. I know Dublin will be in my heart forever, but for now I'm not going anywhere...Dublin you are mine tonight! <3


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ruby in the Emerald City

Oh what a week it has been! For starters I left my life in America and my American ways all to start this journey in Dublin, Ireland for the next four and a half months!! Many may think I'm nuts for studying abroad and leaping in to the unknown, but traveling and moving to different cities and countries constantly is somewhat normal to me and in a way comforting.

I started my travels very young with my family however, my independent travels began when i was just thirteen where I went to London, Scotland, Ireland and Wales on a student ambassador program. I did not know anyone going on the trip, but I knew that I needed this experience to make me an independent individual especially to start off my teen years. It was a great experience..I mean I did cry like a baby because I missed my Mom but overall, this trip sparked something inside me. I get such a thrill out of traveling and experiencing new places and cultures..I guess you could say its one of my hobbies.

My craziness continued through highschool when I traveled to Italy and Paris with the Passport Club. Both were amazing trips and taught me a lot about the different people of the world. I also became OBSESSED with anything Paris related. This trip even pushed me to take French in college (I regret it completely..IT IS SO HARD) I continued my travels in college, actually my first semester of Northeastern, when I embarked on a study abroad experience to Thessaloniki, Greece. Another experience that was bittersweet, more so sweet. I made my best friends, traveled to Germany, Spain, England, France, Turkey, Corfu and Athens, ate some of the most amazing food I have ever eaten and just overall completely grew as a person. The bitter part..well I obviously gained 20 pounds from the food but other than that, communicating with the locals was tough since I did not know they language (I tried my best to learn Greek..How I got an A in Greek is beyond me) But yeah this trip was tough for me because it was my first semester of college and the transition was kind of tough but I would not trade it for anything.

So between all of this traveling and going from Boston to New York to go home from school I am used  to moving around. I kind of like it and get bored when I am in one place for too long. I have never studied at Northeastern for more than one semester consecutively. Between CO-OPS, internships, studying in London this past summer..I can for sure say that I have not experienced the "typical" college experience but you know what I am so happy about that. The places I have seen and the people I have met have really made me the woman I am today and I believe that traveling and being independent has really made me a stronger person. I'm not going to lie..I get homesick and scared and nervous but thats life. Playing it safe will leave you no where so i guess my philosophy is to go with the most risky and extreme choice. Hmmm stay at Northeastern this semester or go to Dublin with your best friend for four and a half months..OPTION TWO PLEASE!

So I am here in Dublin..I'm calling it the Emerald City (I don't know if thats a real nickname..I just like it because its so so green and I'm OBSESSED with the Wizard of Oz). Dublin is absolutely is so sort of looks like London and Boston combined. I have adjusted very well. I made Chelsea (my bff that I met in Greece) stay up over 24 hours with me to beat the jet lag and it worked!! So far we have done a walking tour, a bus tour and today we went to Causey Farm where we played the Bodhran (Irish drum), did some Irish set dancing, milked a cow(almost got kicked), played with the cutest puppies in the world, walked through the bog and made some brown bread which Chels and I had no problem devouring! It was a great day and its been wonderful so far.

The people on our program, although from different parts of the US and all come from different ways of life and backgrounds and such great people. I am very happy with the people of the trip and of Dublin. Irish people have to be the nicest people in the world hands down. I am so excited for this experience and the friendships that I will have after this program. It will be grand<3